Global action through mobilization of a critical mass to facilitate early childhood caries risk reduction

Group Vision

Create visibility about early childhood caries by generating evidence for global action


ECCAG shall be made up of a core group of one member representing each of the 193 UN countries. Interested persons who have a national representation on the ECCAG will work with the ECCAG country representatives to form national working groups.

Operational Strategies

  • Generate Evidence:  Generate evidenced to inform global and regional actions for early childhood caries control. This should include manuscript writing and publication.
  • Create Visibility:  Create visibility about early childhood caries and make early childhood caries a front burner global issue. This should include organizing an annual meeting of stakeholders; promoting inter-professional collaborations and institutions that address sugar related diseases – obesity, cardiovascular diseases, caries, periodontal diseases, cancer.
  • Global Action: Develop plans to mobilise a critical mass for action to reduce sugar intake and facilitate early childhood caries control. Actions should include standardization of data collection processes for ECC to enhance study comparison.

Become front burner global issue through inter-professional collaborations.

Generate evidence by conducting joint research on early childhood caries that can inform global and regional action for early childhood caries control.